• Uncategorized

    Track Your Adventures With Conquest Maps

    Have you been looking for a way to track your trips and adventures in a visually compelling way? Do you get satisfaction from checking things off your list, or in this case, pinning them to a map? I’ve seen ads for these types of maps show up a lot lately in my Facebook and Instagram feeds (they clearly know their target audience),  and I’ve been on the verge of buying one a few times. I was really excited when Conquest Maps reached out to collaborate*. What I love about Conquest Maps is not only are they an Ohio-based company, but they provide a slue of options to choose from, so…

  • Uncategorized

    52 Hike Challenge: Month Four Recap

    As always it seems time is going by so quickly! It’s already mid-May and I haven’t had a chance to recap my hikes from April. Between work and vacation the month has slipped away. So, I’ll get right down to it. Here is my hiking recap for the month of April. Hike #14: Lakefront Nature Preserve (Perimeter Trail), 2.2 miles    This place is a little slice of heaven, right outside of the city limits. This is a nature preserve that is tucked away off of highway 90. This area is perfect for bird watchers or photographers, or for people like me who just enjoy a peaceful hike by the…

  • Explore Parks,  Guides

    The Best Hiking in the Cleveland Metroparks

    Did you know that Cleveland Metroparks is home to 18 reservations, spanning 23,000 miles in the greater Cleveland area? From what I’ve experienced, it seems like a lot of people living in the area didn’t or still don’t know that there’s so much to see and explore outside the city limits. So I wanted to share what I consider the best hiking in the Cleveland Metroparks. I challenged myself to rank the Cleveland Metroparks. This was really hard, because they are all so great, all for different reasons! For me, there are spots that rekindled my love for nature, the spot where my husband proposed, and the spot where I…

  • Bedford Reservation

    52 Hike Challenge: Month Three Recap

    March is officially over and that means four more hikes under my belt, and it means we’re getting that much closer to spring! Even with some terrible weather this month, I was able to stick to the challenge and get outside at least once a week. Here’s where I went. Hike #9: Bedford Reservation, 2.15 miles  Bedford Reservation has always been one of my favorite parks to visit, so I love any excuse to come here. This was particularly fun because it was a beautiful, sunny day outside, which we hadn’t had in a while. The sun made all of the snow shimmer and it was quite the sight to see. I…

  • Clifton Gorge Ohio

    52 Hike Challenge: Month Two Recap

    Month two of the 52 hike challenge is officially under my belt! I was able to explore some new areas and visit old favorites as well. While it was a quick month, I made sure to make the most of every hike. Hike #5: Clifton Gorge State Nature Preserve, 5 miles  My friend and I took a road trip to Yellow Springs for the first time and it was such a blast! There is so much to see in this area. We spent the entire day hiking and made sure the explore the cute little town of Yellow Springs and grabbed coffee and food. We visited Clifton Gorge State Nature…